Make an AI Art Generating Slack Bot in 10 Minutes

David Crawford

David Crawford / February 03, 2023

Make an AI art slack bot

AI art gen­er­a­tion has been explod­ing in the last year, and the once dif­fi­cult to man­age tools are now incred­i­bly easy to use, mod­u­lar, and ver­sa­tile. Last year I cre­at­ed a Dis­cord bot that gen­er­at­ed AI art from my own pri­vate­ly host­ed DALL‑E 2 pub­lic mod­el. This was quite cum­ber­some to set­up, and it wasn’t very flex­i­ble if I want­ed to make small changes. After explor­ing what’s changed in the last year, I can con­fi­dent­ly say that all of my pain points have been resolved by the lat­est iter­a­tion of art gen­er­a­tion: Sta­ble Dif­fu­sion. In this post, I want­ed to share how easy it tru­ly is to cre­ate your own AI art gen­er­at­ing Slack bot. I chose Slack this time, because at Michi­gan­Labs we use Slack as our com­mu­ni­ca­tion tool, so it’s a lit­tle more rel­e­vant to our own work. But there is a lot of over­lap between Slack and Dis­cord, if you’re using their respec­tive Type­script libraries. With that said, start your timer, because this should only take about 10 min­utes (as long as your inter­net speed is fast enough!).

You can read the entire article here!